

Summary in HYIP industry from Apr 17th-24th

Hello, investors. During the past week, a lot things happened in HYIP industry. In this article, I will published some pieces of news from Alysdax.com, Watfordcorp.com, Minexor.com, Dogeminers.biz and Unitex-capital.com. Maye you already know something about them, now let me share more to you.


Admin bought Premium listing on my website 45 days ago, and this project did an excellent job during the past two months and everything is continue. Last month, I invested $1000 into its "30 days" plan with my personal money, and all of the initial deposits and profits were withdrawn successfully into my wallet last week. Of course, according to the advertisement rules, I still remain $500 fee there to monitor its paying status. Because of current bad depression in all economy industries, I decide not to reinvest again. Thanks admin for the profit.


This project started on 03rd Jan 2020 and is 113 days online now. During the past week, I invested extra $135 dollars with my personal money and move it into Premium listing. What's more, I published some tutorials about its withdrawal, deposit and verification process, welcome to read and hope they are helpful.

Withdrawal tutorial: https://www.hyiper.net/blog/160.html

Deposit tutorial: https://www.hyiper.net/blog/164.html

Verification tutorial: https://www.hyiper.net/blog/165.html


This project started on 04th Apr 2020. At first, admin only bought Standard listing on my monitor, but two days ago, he upgraded listing from Standard to Premium. At the same time, to achieve further promotion, admin authorized me to be Sponsor status, that is to say, I can get 20% commissions from direct referrals. So if you registered under my link, welcome to submit RCB request after deposits, then you will get back 20% of your deposit from me.


This project only paid for 25 days after admin changed its website template and investment plans. But it is not strange, because the plan is "6%-9% daily for lifetime", such high daily profit together with current bad economic situation, no HYIP project could live for a long time. That is also the reason why more and more programs scammed during past two weeks.


This is the worst project I have ever seen during the past half year. Because many investors deposited huge money here. For my part, I have 0.36BTC and $250 PerfectMoney in it currently, and another $450 just expired days ago. I also know several friends whose deposit is more than $5000. But unfortunately, we all lost money here. I want to show you my deposit screen shot, while the fucking admin already froze all accounts and nobody can login now. Almost all investors supposed that it can pay for at least 100 days, but as a matter of fact, it only paid for 56 days. Although admin may make some money 

HYIPer.net » Summary in HYIP industry from Apr 17th-24th

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