

Summary in HYIP industry from Apr 25th-28th

In this article, I will write something about two latest scamed HYIP projects. They are Minexor.com and Finnettech.com. These two projects are not strange to most investors, especially Finnettech.com, it was somewhat popular at that time. Now just let me write something about them.


This project started on 04th April and stopped paying on 25th April. That is to say, it lived for 20 days. Its investment plan is "5% daily for 30 days", so I think all investors lost money there which was a common things during during past weeks. In fact, the admin just upgraded listing on 22nd April, however, it scammed only 3 days later. I think he wanted to gamble that whether there are big amount investment amounts into his project during next 3 days after his upgrading, but unfortunately, he lost the upgrading fees.


It started on 07th April and scammed on 28th April, so its lifetime is 21 days. If you are familiar with its investment plans. I think you should know that nobody made money in this project, because the shortest investment cycle is 20 days, so that is to say, even if investors' investment cycle expires, they can't get back initial deposit.

It is sad that most HYIP projects scam faster now than before. For my part, I stopped my personal deposit two weeks ago. So as an investor, please be more careful when you choose to invest. I think you should search and compare more before deposits.

HYIPer.net » Summary in HYIP industry from Apr 25th-28th

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