

[SCAM] Chernobyl-travel.biz Review: 1.5%-1.7% daily for 15-25 days

Chernobyl-travel.biz is a high yield investment program which started on 26th May 2020. It provides two medium term deposit plans, and you can earn 1.5%-1.7% daily for 15-25 days. I put the program into STANDARD listing and invest $200. Former two withdrawal requests were already processed successfully into PerfectMoney wallet. Now let's see some details of it.

Started: 2020-05-26

My Deposit: $200

Investment Plans: 1.5% daily for 15 days and principal back; 1.7% daily for 25 days and principal back

Minimum Investment Amount: $10

Referral Commissions: 6%-2%-1%-1%

Payment Options: PerfectMoney, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Tether(trc20), Tron

Withdrawal Type: within 48 hours

Minimum Withdrawal Amount: $0.1 for Tether; $10 for other cryptocurrencies

Social contacts: Telegram News; Admin Telegram

UK Company Certificate: "CHERNOBYL TRAVEL LTD" registered on 6 December 2021, check link

Global Languages: English, Russian

Investment Plans

Invest $10-$10000, earn 1.5% daily for 15 days and principal back

Invest $10-$10000, earn 1.7% daily for 25 days and principal back

How to Deposit?

① Click this link and register an account: https://chernobyl-travel.biz/?ref=wang

② Login your account and choose the payment system:

Chernobyl-travel.biz Review

③ Choose investment plan → Type into investment amount → Click the "MAKE DEPOSIT" button:

Chernobyl-travel.biz Review

④ Check your investment information, if there is no double, then click the "PROCESS" button to transfer money:

Chernobyl-travel.biz Review


Chernobyl-travel.biz has been online since 2020, but as a matter of fact, it just finished the sleeping stage two weeks ago. During the sleeping stage, its website was run on a free template, with a 0.2% daily profit plan. Just on 24th January(2 weeks ago), admin changed the website template, investment plans and referral commissions. With such a long term sleeping period, I think(or bet) that admin won't close his project in just a month, so that's why I try with $200.

HYIPer.net » [SCAM] Chernobyl-travel.biz Review: 1.5%-1.7% daily for 15-25 days

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  1. hyiper The amount of 3.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U12456834->U22211593. Memo: API Payment. PayKassa.pro 12591656.. Date: 21:46 08.02.22. Batch: 447828106
  2. hyiper The amount of 3.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U12456834->U22211593. Memo: API Payment. PayKassa.pro 12558267.. Date: 09:26 07.02.22. Batch: 447563633
  3. hyiper The amount of 3.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U12456834->U22211593. Memo: API Payment. PayKassa.pro 12558386.. Date: 09:30 07.02.22. Batch: 447564491
  4. hyiper The amount of 3.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U12456834->U22211593. Memo: API Payment. PayKassa.pro 12520057.. Date: 06:52 05.02.22. Batch: 447245589
  5. hyiper The amount of 3.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U12456834->U22211593. Memo: API Payment. PayKassa.pro 12532923.. Date: 20:13 05.02.22. Batch: 447356849