

How to choose HYIP correctly?

If you are a dummy in the HYIP industry, probably you have studied a lot of literature on this subject. it’s sufficiently highlighted on the Internet, a lot is already written. But what if you are a “middling”? That is you are not a dummy, but still not an experienced user. For this case there are fewer tips. We suggest ours. There is a small amount of training material from experienced people in HYIPs for beginners. It is not due to their reticence or reluctance to write. The point is that at this stage there is no specific template. Every situation is unique.

First of all, you should know that a superficial analysis is not suitable. Test resources (e.g. Alex) will be helpful only for beginners, but are not good for pros. Discard website design and marketing checks as well. The surest indicators of the project are its technical characteristics. What is the degree of security, type of script, staff readiness to attacks, and realization of the website functionality — these are what you should be interested in. Using HYIP professionally is a delicate game where every detail matters.

For example: you are interested in any project, because all its criteria match yours and you are pleased with the admin’s responsiveness. However, the topic on the forums about the investment is inactive. And after analyzing the project in more detail, you realize that paid-posters keep the topic active (people contributing to the project for an additional fee). A dummy won’t notice this and will think the project is really going to increase, however pros are hard to cheat, they understand that the activity in the project is paid for. The pros will not look at such a project.

Consequently, to get professional flair in HYIPs you need to know about certain groups of people (such pad-posters). On many websites there are users that are not interested in the project and that do not want to develop it. Having the information about paid-posters and others, you will be able to see which way the wind is blowing in the sphere of HYIPs.

Conclusions. Firstly, have information about the different terminologies and situations which the HYIP administration can create. Secondly, gather information from primary sources. This is called “insider info”. experienced investors consider insider info as a crucial factor about investing. Many experienced referrers work basing on insider info. Connect with famous referrers, admins, forum old-timers. The more primary sources, the better. It is difficult to be on friendly terms with the project administration, but if you manage to do it, consider you hold the keys to the kingdom! In this case, the administrator may tell you about his plans, and your money will be protected. This step is the highest degree in HYIPs, so go for it.

HYIPer.net » How to choose HYIP correctly?

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