


English Review: How to Make Money From Newbond.io?

new bond ltd review

New Bond LTD是一个提供中期和长期投资计划的HYIP项目,于2023年的11月30日上线,目前已经在线运营了13天。玩家可以在周一到周五,每天获得0.6%-5%的分红,其中周六日不产生分红。我的前两笔提现,已经分别于昨晚和刚刚(20分钟前)顺利到账,以下是该项目的详细情况。


English Version: https://blog.hyiper.net/how-to-make-money-from-newbond-io/





推荐佣金:3%-1% ~ 6%-2%




公司证书:NEW BOND LTD”注册于2023年12月3日



New Bond LTD投资计划


  • 最低投资50美金,10天后连本带利共返还105%
  • 最低投资50美金,每个工作日分红0.6%,15个工作日后返还本金
  • 最低投资3000美金,每个工作日分红1%,30个工作日后返还本金
  • 最低投资5000美金,每个工作日分红4.5%,连续分红30个工作日,不再额外返还本金
  • 最低投资10000美金,每个工作日分红5%,连续分红40个工作日,不再额外返还本金


普通会员可以得到两代推荐佣金,分别是第一代会员投资金额的3%,第二代会员投资金额的1%,代理对应得到的两代佣金分别是6%和2%。有兴趣推广New Bond LTD的网友,可以在登录自己的账号以后,点击后台的Apply Representative按钮申请成为代理。



❶ 点击https://newbond.io/?ref=Wang,填写注册信息,然后点击Register Now按钮完成注册:

New Bond LTD图文注册教程

❷ 填写点击右侧的Open Deposit按钮、选择投资计划、选择网银、输入投资金额,然后点击Creat deposit按钮:

New Bond LTD图文注册教程

New Bond LTD图文注册教程

❸ 扫描二维码、或者复制钱包地址,将指定金额转入对方钱包,然后等待区块链确认到账即可。请注意,手续费需要玩家自己出,请确保发起转账后,对方收到显示的金额:

New Bond LTD图文注册教程



HYIPer.net » Newbond.io投资简介:10天后共分红105%

赞 (134)

留言评论 184 Login

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  73. hyiper Hello Hong. 12.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 2562030.
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  75. hyiper Hello Hong. 9.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 2558884.
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  77. hyiper Hello Hong. 6.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 2553705. newbond
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  81. hyiper Hello Hong. 3.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 2527481.
  82. hyiper Hello Hong. 6.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 2531917.
  83. hyiper Hello Hong. 3.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 2521381.
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  85. hyiper Hello Hong. 6.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 2518123.
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  88. hyiper Hello Hong. 3.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 2505050.
  89. hyiper Hello Hong. 3.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 2503599.
  90. hyiper Hello Hong. 9.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 2499358.
  91. hyiper Hello Hong. 3.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 2501656.
  92. hyiper Hello Hong. 3.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 2497523.
  93. hyiper Hello Hong. 3.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 2495638.
  94. hyiper Hello Hong. 3.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 2495987.
  95. hyiper Hello Hong. 6.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 2492047. newbond.io
  96. hyiper Hello Hong. 3.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 2493404.
  97. hyiper Hello Hong. 3.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 2485064.
  98. hyiper Hello Hong. 3.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 2486426. newbond.io
  99. hyiper Hello Hong. 6.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 2480232.
  100. hyiper Hello Hong. 6.00 has been successfully sent to your ePayCore account E009362. Transaction batch is 2481815.