

Latest News about Kriptofuture

Kriptofuture is a newly launched program which just started a month ago. With minimum $50 investment, you can 0.8%-3% daily from Monday to Friday, then together with your directly bonus+binary bonus+residual earnings, when these of your profit reaches 300% of your initial investment, your package expires. So if you are experienced in marketing promotion, then 300% is very fast you.

In this program, I invested the $1000 package with my personal money a week ago. 

The reasons why I choose it:

  • Its mechanism looks like former QubitLife which pays for a year, but it is better than QubitLife I think. Especially for the mechasim of 300% algorithm, it includes daily profit+direct bonus+binary bonus, we know that QubitLife only integrated such algorithm days before its closure, but KriptoFuture used such algorithm when it launched. 
  • KriptoFuture is just online for a month which is still a young program I think. So I invested $1010 into it to bet for its future and my fortune. 
  • KriptoFuture has a well performed financial strength which can be judged from its promotion and website.

Register: https://kriptofuture.com/#/login/hyiper

In this article, I will show you some latest news from its official. These are news from its Facebook page:

Minimum withdrawal amount is $50. Now I have $72.28 on my balance, when I reach $100, I will withdraw it. Wait for more articles about Kriptofuture in the future.

Register: https://kriptofuture.com/#/login/hyiper

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