

[SCAM] Qoinex.cc Review: 1.7%-3.5% daily for 20-30 days

Qoinex is a high yield investment project which started on 18th August this year - namely 3 days ago. It provides medium and long term deposit plans, and one investment cycle is 20 or 30 calendar days. I joined it three days ago and former withdrawal requests were all processed successfully into PerfectMoney wallet. Now let's see something about it.

Started: 2021-08-18

My Deposit: $200

Investment Plans: 1.7%-3.5% daily for 20-30 days and principal back

Minimum investment: $20

Referral Commissions: 5%-2%-1%

RCB: 5% of your deposit amount

Payment Options: PerfectMoney, USDT(trc20), Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, TRON, BinanceCoin

Withdrawal Type: instant

Minimum Withdrawal: $1 PM, $10 BTC, $10 ETH, $5 LTC, $3 Doge, 5$ Tron, 3$ BNB, 3$ USDT

Socials: Telegram support; Telegram Group

UK Company Registration: "QOINEX LIMITED" on 13 August 2021

Exchange Function: available 

Global Languages: soon

Application: I don't know whether or when it will be online 

Investment Plans

  • Deposit $20-$1000, earn 1.7% daily for 20 days and principal back
  • Deposit $1001-$10000, earn 2.5% daily for 30 days and principal back
  • Deposit $10001-$50000, earn 3.5% daily for 30 days and principal back

How to Invest?

❶ Click this link to register an account:

❷ Login your account - click "Open deposit" - choose plan - choose payment options - type into investment amount - click "INVEST" button to transfer money:

Qoinex.cc Review


  • Newly launched  - the third day online today(although nobody knows how long it will pay)
  • Reasonable profits for deposit plans and referral commissions
  • Slow advertisment budget currently- don't know whether the advertisement budget will increase(it is a double-edged sword for projects)
  • Something is still under construction - language translation and Application (hope they will be both online in near future, but not sure)

2021-08-22: Qoinex admin paid for a weekly banner, thanks for your financial support.

HYIPer.net » [SCAM] Qoinex.cc Review: 1.7%-3.5% daily for 20-30 days

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留言评论 17 Login

  1. Adrin0404 they are scam dont invest with them they logged me out and disabled my account untill i came across www.cryptochargeback.org that assisted me to recover my lost funds
  2. hyiper The amount of 3.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U30158671->U10301279. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to yuninv from Qoinex.cc.. Date: 01:30 01.09.21. Batch: 415892007
  3. hyiper The amount of 3.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U30158671->U10301279. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to yuninv from Qoinex.cc.. Date: 01:29 31.08.21. Batch: 415687185. $6.00 has been successfully sent to your Litecoin account Ldz1JaVsVUgHQ5kqvhKaRVohbuBWfdXPhf. Transaction batch is 214bcf9a2d7458fa233e708014295d416e447d74956f581f19f4fb729b9b2028..
  4. hyiper The amount of 3.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U30158671->U10301279. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to yuninv from Qoinex.cc.. Date: 01:04 30.08.21. Batch: 415478038.
  5. hyiper $10.02 has been successfully sent to your Tron account TCT2XZzAAy96qkzbHRyP9nHiH8h9qmZ9nv. Transaction batch is 67ee1f7771a77deaaa74dffc674ccfae9f2d551d28f7323b836bc75d2b520c93..
  6. hyiper The amount of 3.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U30158671->U10301279. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to yuninv from Qoinex.cc.. Date: 03:30 29.08.21. Batch: 415284469
  7. hyiper The amount of 3.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U30158671->U10301279. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to yuninv from Qoinex.cc.. Date: 01:11 28.08.21. Batch: 415074483.
  8. hyiper The amount of 3.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U30158671->U10301279. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to yuninv from Qoinex.cc.. Date: 01:48 27.08.21. Batch: 414882779
  9. hyiper The amount of 3.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U30158671->U10301279. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to yuninv from Qoinex.cc.. Date: 05:07 26.08.21. Batch: 414685920
  10. hyiper The amount of 3.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U30158671->U10301279. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to yuninv from Qoinex.cc.. Date: 02:07 25.08.21. Batch: 414466286
  11. hyiper The amount of 3.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U30158671->U10301279. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to yuninv from Qoinex.cc.. Date: 01:58 24.08.21. Batch: 414252987
  12. hyiper The amount of 3.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U30158671->U10301279. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to yuninv from Qoinex.cc.. Date: 02:19 23.08.21. Batch: 414039345
  13. hyiper The amount of 29 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U30158671->U10301279. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. qoinex.cc buy 300x250 static banner 1 weeks.. Date: 04:58 22.08.21. Batch: 413843768
  14. hyiper Qoinex admin paid for a weekly banner, thanks for your financial support.
  15. hyiper The amount of 3.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U30158671->U10301279. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to yuninv from Qoinex.cc.. Date: 01:35 22.08.21. Batch: 413833414
  16. hyiper The amount of 3.4 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U30158671->U10301279. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to yuninv from Qoinex.cc.. Date: 08:01 21.08.21. Batch: 413664461
  17. hyiper The amount of 200 USD has been withdrawn from your account. Accounts: U10301279->U30158671. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Deposit to Qoinex.cc User yuninv.. Date: 00:51 19.08.21. Batch: 413210913